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With a special event on the horizon, you want to get your dog in on the festivities and think it could be fun to color their fur — green and red for the holidays or red, white and blue for a patriotic celebration. It's a trend that's been growing, but can you buy dog-safe hair dye? Do groomers know how to dye dog hair? As a dog parent, your pet's safety and comfort is your number one concern.
Here's what to know about dying your dog's fur safely, so that you can make an informed decision about how you'll prep your pet for your next soiree.
Dog-Safe Hair Dye
Good news for color enthusiasts: there are lots of ways to safely dye your dog's hair. Semipermanent pet-safe dyes often come in gel or liquid form. In addition to the dyes you can buy at a store, you can also use vegetable juice to dye your pet's fur without exposing them to chemicals. Use carrot juice to give your pooch a reddish-orange tint or beet juice for pink fur. Food coloring is another option you may want to explore.
Consider asking a dog groomer if they sell or can recommend any pet-safe hair dyes. For other suggestions, reach out to your veterinarian or a local pet supply store.
The most important thing to remember is to not use hair dye for humans on your pet, as they can be toxic. This is especially dangerous since dogs lick themselves. Also, avoid products that contain harsh chemicals, such as hydrogen peroxide and ammonia. And avoid dying your dog's hair if they have a skin condition or have irritated or itchy skin, as dye could further aggravate it.
How Long Does Dog-Safe Hair Dye Last?
The longevity of your dog-friendly hair dye will vary based on your dog's coat and the kind of dye you use. Some products will last a day or two and are designed to wash out after a single bath, while others may last for up to five washes.
Does Dye Work on All Dog Coats?
While we often think of poodles when it comes to breeds with dyed fur, you can dye the hair of most types of dogs — whether their hair is short or long and curly or straight. To learn more about how color will take to your dog's fur, consult a groomer.
How to Dye Dog Hair Safely
Wondering how to dye dog hair safely? While there are DIY techniques you can use to dye your pet's hair at home, as outlined by The Fun Times Guide to Dogs, the best way to ensure your dog's safety and comfort is to have a professional groomer dye their hair. If you don't have a groomer, ask your vet for groomer recommendations. Make sure to check your dog's fur and skin for any scratches or open sores to prevent aggravating them and causing your dog pain. Also, make sure to avoid getting the dye around your dog's face as it could be unpleasant if it gets in their eyes or nose. Always be sure to consult your veterinarian to get their take to avoid any mishaps or dyes that could be unsafe for your dog.
As long as you take the proper precautions by sticking to natural, toxin-free dyes and consulting a professional, dying your dog's hair can be a fun way to honor an occasion or celebrate a holiday. Your pup will be sure to turn heads when you enter the party.
Contributor Bio

Erin Ollila
Erin Ollila is a pet enthusiast who believes in the power of words and how a message can inform — and even transform — its intended audience. Her writing can be found all over the internet and in print, and includes interviews, ghostwriting, blog posts and creative nonfiction. Erin is a geek for SEO and all things social media. She graduated from Fairfield University with an M.F.A. in Creative Writing. Reach out to her on Twitter @ReinventingErin or learn more about her at