Whether your dog needs a therapeutic food or they’re just entering a new stage of life, there are several reasons you may need to transition them to a different pet food. When the time comes to make the switch, you’ll want to do it in a way that doesn’t cause stomach upset. Here are three tips that can help.
Determine the proper serving

Follow this 7-day transition schedule
Once your portions are correct, gradually decrease the amount of current (old) dog food while increasing the amount of new dog food. Be patient — if it seems like your dog needs a little more time, add an extra day or two to the schedule.

DAYS 1-2

DAYS 3-4

DAYS 5-6

Add canned food as a topper if needed

While it’s not a necessity, some dogs are a little more stubborn than others, and a little wet food can make all the difference. Be sure to check with your vet on the proper amounts, so as to not go over his daily caloric intake requirements.