dog Breed Profile
The first impression of a rottweiler is of solid strength, and that is quite accurate.
In this article
Floppy ears (naturally)
85-135 lbs.
80-100 lbs.
24 in.
(at withers)
26 in.
Black with tan markings
>40 minutes/day
Energy level
Bred to work
8-11 yrs.

Grooming Needs
Social Needs
Club recognition
AKC Class.
UKC Class.
Guardian Dog

Rottweilers almost became extinct near the late 1800s when smaller dogs assumed many of their functions and were easier to maintain.
The first impression of a rottweiler is of solid strength, and that is quite accurate.
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Rottweilers have been selected for guarding and protection work, and this must be kept in mind at all times. Well-socialized rottweilers get along nicely with people and other dogs, but males in particular can be a bit aggressive and dominant. Active, intelligent dogs, they are fully confident enough to act on their own, so they need guidance right from the start.
If left to their own devices, rottweilers can become nuisance barkers or diggers, and with their size they are capable of much destruction. Bred to work, Rottweilers do best with training and jobs to do, even if just as a child's companion. Aggression can be a problem, and this dog is fully capable of inflicting severe damage, so rottweilers do need a firm, patient hand and a knowledgeable owner.
Rottweilers are fairly easy to keep for such large dogs and, in fact, have a tendency to obesity if not exercised enough. Coat care is minimal a quick, weekly grooming will suffice most of the time. Some rottweilers do drool a fair amount, especially large males with loose flews (lips).
One of the most important things to remember with rottweilers is that they need extensive and continuous socialization to be good family companions. Training is a must and should start in early puppy hood. Their courage is unquestioned, but it can be misdirected. This breed is not an ideal one for first-time dog owners. Rottweilers love to work and will happily compete in virtually all dog sports from obedience to herding and weight pulls.
Ideally, a rottweiler will be exposed to other pets, including dogs, right from the start, and also to children. Rottweilers are often very protective of their children and should be supervised when with a group of children. This breed is definitely one that should only be purchased from a reputable breeder, because its popularity has led to some temperament and health problems. Rottweilers live about 12 years.
Rottweilers rank as one of the most ancient breeds. They accompanied the Romans through Germany, driving their cattle and guarding outposts. Many were left behind and, in the town of Rottweil in southern Germany, they became the breed we know today. Rottweilers are considered to be in the mastiff family. Rottweilers were instrumental in the development of the Doberman Pinscher much later.
Rottweilers were working dogs from the start, driving cattle to market, pulling carts, guarding the homestead, and even carrying money to and from the market in money belts tied around their necks. Today they work in security and herding.
The rottweiler had almost died out as a breed near the turn of the century when smaller dogs took over many of their functions and were easier to maintain. Luckily, dedicated breeders revived the breed, and it ranks as one of the most popular breeds in the United States today. A delightful series of children's books, beautifully illustrated, is about a rottweiler named Carl and his adventures with his family's baby.