Some health issues like to work together

Some health issues like to work together

Managing one health condition for your pet can be stressful enough, but many pet parents are shocked to hear that their dog or cat is actually suffering from two — or even three — issues all at the same time.


Some other health issues simply give way to others


For example, an obese dog will put more pressure on their joints, bones and heart, which is why mobility problems, osteoarthritis and heart issues can grow into additional concerns over time.


Cats, in particular, are prone to urinary conditions that can be linked to anything from stress, a build up of crystals in the urine, or inflammation in the bladder. Needless to say, a visit to your veterinarian can save you a lot of unnecessary confusion.

Managing one health condition for your pet can be stressful enough, but many pet parents are shocked to hear that their dog or cat is actually suffering from two — or even three — issues all at the same time.


Some other health issues simply give way to others


For example, an obese dog will put more pressure on their joints, bones and heart, which is why mobility problems, osteoarthritis and heart issues can grow into additional concerns over time.


Cats, in particular, are prone to urinary conditions that can be linked to anything from stress, a build up of crystals in the urine, or inflammation in the bladder. Needless to say, a visit to your veterinarian can save you a lot of unnecessary confusion.

Looking for certain signs in pets can help discover linked health issues

One example is a body conditioning to determine if your dog or cat is overweight.

Underweight Dog
Ribs visible
There is no fat around your pet’s ribs, and they are visible to the eye. Bony prominences are also visible with no sign of fat.
Ideal weight dog
Waist visible
You can easily feel your pet's ribs, but there is a slight layer of fat covering them. Bony prominences also have just a slight layer of fat.
Overweight Dog
Waist not visible
The ribs and bonier areas are difficult to feel with a thick layer of fat.
Obese dog
Belly is rounded
A thick layer of fat makes your pet's ribs very difficult to find. Bonier areas like the knees are covered by a moderate to think layer of fat.

As for urinary health issues like the ones previously described, there are specific behaviors that can be clues to a potential issue.

Above all else, your veterinarian is the best person to make the decisions regarding the necessary treatments. They will consider everything from the patient’s physical exams, medications, surgeries and nutritional needs to develop the best management plan for the individual pet.

Therapeutic nutrition is one of the most important considerations for managing concurrent conditions.

Health Issue


Straining When Urinating

When did the unusual urinary behaviors begin?

Incontinence / loss of bladder control

What other unusual behaviors are accompanying the urinary problems?

Urinating outside of the litter box

Have you made any recent changes in their food or litter?

Crying out in pain while urinating or attempting to urinate

Have there been any big changes within your household, such as a remodel, new pet, baby, or a death in the family?

Cat with kids

The importance of a
multi-condition food

While mixing two or more single-benefit foods can “dilute” critical nutrients, a multi-condition food optimizes your pet’s nutrition needs for both conditions while ensuring that they are balanced with all other necessary nutrients.

Hill’s understands the high likelihood of certain conditions occurring together. That's why our “+” products are designed to be a part of management of multiple conditions as determined by your vet.

Ask your veterinarian which therapeutic nutrition options are best for your pet.

The importance of a multi-condition food

While mixing two or more single-benefit foods can “dilute” critical nutrients, a multi-condition food optimizes your pet’s nutrition needs for both conditions while ensuring that they are balanced with all other necessary nutrients.

Hill’s understands the high likelihood of certain conditions occurring together. That's why our “+” products are designed to be a part of management of multiple conditions as determined by your vet.

Ask your veterinarian which therapeutic nutrition options are best for your pet.

Cat with person
Cat with person

Your pet has a unique gut ecosystem

Your pet’s gut microbiome plays a significant role in balancing not only their digestive health but their overall body function.